6 Helpful Strategies to Avoid Construction Delays

Do you experience difficulties with construction delays? Here are some things you ought to be aware of to avoid this headache!

The most significant challenge that any development project faces is the occurrence of construction delays, which can significantly hinder progress and incur additional costs. However, how can you avoid this problem? Explore some of these cutting-edge approaches for constructing delays to prevent their impact.

Construction Site

(Photo : Unsplash/Samuel Regan-Asante )

1. Use Past Performance & Industry Data to Plan Effectively

By analyzing the previous performance of your suppliers, you will be able to estimate average lead times and identify those suppliers who are most likely to experience difficulties in delivering products on time. Even from the most dependable of your suppliers, it is reportedly wise to anticipate delays in today's industry. Utilizing industry data such as significant economic indicators can provide a more accurate image of the supply chain, importing/exporting, and other financial patterns. This is even though you have most likely experienced delays from specific suppliers in the past few years. After that, you should devise emergency strategies if any materials do not arrive on schedule.

2. Be Flexible With Materials & Equipment

Because of the global supply chain's unpredictability, it is possible that you will not be able to acquire the particular materials that you have utilized in the past within the requisite amount of time. Therefore, planning choices can function as an adequate remedy. Hence, you should keep quality in mind when finding alternative suppliers, products, and supplies.

3. Build Positive Relationships With Your Suppliers

Maintaining healthy connections with your suppliers should be taken seriously. Having positive contacts can help streamline the process of future businesses. Accordingly, focus on being a customer of choice.

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4. Go Digital with Progress Reporting

According to estimates, specialists in the construction sector spend as much as 40% of their time waiting for updates, putting together reports, or participating in meetings. This waste of time highlights the critical nature of comprehensive reporting to prevent legal disputes, a significant cause of project setbacks exacerbated by a pervasive culture of blame and contractual mistrust.

Through digitization, construction teams can reduce the time wasted in meetings or traveling between different tools to compile reports. Reporting in real-time from the field allows project managers and stakeholders to effectively synchronize with one another, ensuring that everyone is on the same page regarding the project's timeframe.

5. Assign Clear Roles and Responsibilities

Establishing transparent roles and duties for all parties involved is an essential step in holding individuals accountable. Incorporating accountability is a crucial component of a successful project plan and schedule; attention should not only be directed toward the tasks at hand but also toward identifying the individuals or entities accountable for their completion and the specified deadline.

6. Schedule Contractors Far in Advance

If you want to avoid a catastrophe, you should figure out what contractors you will require well in advance of when you will need them, and you should begin getting quotations as soon as possible. This will ensure you will not experience delays since you cannot get contractors in quickly enough. As mentioned, appointments should be scheduled at least one month in advance, as it may take up to a month to get on the schedule of a designer or architect.

Related Article: 5 Common Reasons Behind Construction Schedule Delays