How to Handle Construction Delays: Strategies and Solutions

Do you experience difficulties with construction delays? Explore these several approaches to dealing with delays that occur during construction.

One of the most significant obstacles in the construction field is delays, which frequently disrupt schedules and lead to an abundance of further complications. Proactively addressing this issue reduces the likelihood of potential setbacks and helps ensure the project is carried out more smoothly.


(Photo : Pexels/Johann)

Determine the cause of the delay.

Finding out what caused the delay in the first place should be the initial step in developing a solution to the problem. As mentioned, the delay is likely due to the clients, and the budget is one of the challenges they can have, resulting in the project moving more slowly. There are situations when the contractor is responsible for failing to approve plans, schedules, or invoices in a timely manner.

Quickly come up with a new plan.

As you go through the process of reviewing the initial plan as well as the roles that have been assigned to each member, you should also check which of the tasks that you have specified should be completed. It is necessary to prioritize any action that can cause a further delay if it is delayed and to set aside anything that is not particularly important.

Discuss a delay solution with everyone.

Everyone on the team, as well as the customer, should be involved in the process of putting Plan B and a new timeline into action. The next step is to schedule a meeting in which you will discuss your plan for dealing with the delay and get their feedback on how to get back on track with the timeline.

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Prioritize tasks

Having agreed on your revised plan, the next step is to put tasks in order of importance with the assistance of Kanban boards. Reexamine the initial plan you developed for the project and determine which tasks have already been completed, which ones can be removed from the list, and which ones might need to be moved up or down the priority list your team has created.

Set new deadlines

Establish new deadlines for each task and criterion outlined in the project plan if modifying the due date is optimal. It is essential to ensure that the new deadlines are reasonable in light of the delays you have encountered and the capabilities of your team.


Keep in constant communication with one another. Update your staff on any delays, changes in plans, or changes in customer expectations. Implementing task management in projects should enable all team members to be informed about the impending due dates of tasks and significant deadlines.

Patience During Delay

Patience is the most crucial quality you can exhibit when faced with a crisis. Allowing your stakeholders time to recover is essential if a project has been delayed due to an illness, loss, injury, or calamity. By putting pressure on the team to return to work before they are ready, you risk disengaging them, lowering the quality of their work, increasing the possibility that they may get an injury, and ultimately driving up expenses and prolonging the timetable even further.

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